Monthly Archives: May 2012

Fit for Purpose


Oh Bright New Dawn, and a fresh start, in our shared Vegan Imagine Nation 🙂
Bold, shining thoughts streaming across our mindskies, emblazoned with every ounce of hopefilled faith we can individually and collectively bring together. Nothing less than our full focus and most powerfully held intentions will fuel us through into the Vegantopia that must replace the crumbling cruelty paradigm. It is our task as fore-running visionaries to make it so for those who slumber still in selfish beds bordered by the delusions of separately grasped security, numerical safety, and societal normality. Without a harmonious wholistic planet there can be no security for any race or species in isolation, this much is starkly obvious. And until human kind earns its name and embraces our custodial guardianship place here, there can only be accelerating entropy and chaos.

Enough gloom, we,re waking up to why we’re here, and are discerning our interpersonal roles as they unfold. New connections, synchronicities and the breadth that being a tribe of humane beings bestows is blowing the ceiling off of possibility. Last night I had a vision of those oceanic floating plastic garbage dumps described as being ‘the size of Texas’ – they were all being bound together, covered with soil, and seeded with plants. Thus transforming them into literal floating islands with rainwater catchments and irrigation channels providing self sufficiency. I love the concept of turning defect into opportunity! Similar to the ascended truth that our earlier wounds are transforming into wonderment: what were formerly dismissed as old faults and foibles coming into their quirky uniqueness. How good and positive, humourous and lovely does that sound to our newly tuned ears? Just as in nature nothing is wasted, so too in our brave new world no talent shall be useless. Indeed I suspect that most current expressions of antisocial behaviour are concealing gems of ability which will turn into great assets when allowed honourable outlets. Frustration, suppression and low self esteem can vanish the moment safe channels for their underlying issues are provided. And the “Indigo’s” special ‘outside the box’ thinking will come into their own the minute the old ways of doing things are given up. Obsolescence will be a doorway through to regenerative opportunities once the ‘consume and dispose’, ‘make it cheap without a care for the future’, and ‘buy more now’ insatiable greed models are ditched. We knew that endless growth and profiteering was a self destruct bomb all along, and will be greatly relieved to be free from its insane provocative promptings.

“Follow your bliss” is not some jaded ‘new age’ superficiality; it is another way of saying act from our hearts not our heads – or better still : become so joined up and intuitively led that we will never find ourselves in the wrong place/time/company ever again. Like-hearted others show up and decisions come from the perfect sweet spot of inner knowing. Up to now, I have had to think up all manner of acceptable excuses for doing or being that which Spirit was prompting me to do, or encouraging me to stretch into. This has been a tedious, but in hindsight hilarious, journey of tremendous struggle, seeming sacrifice, and loss. So much efforting, hanging on and shouting that it reminds me of my precious inner 3 year old stamping her little feet in defiance of imposed authority. So brave, so squashed, so irrepressible; even when terrorised, tortured and muted. All of those alone wilderness years strengthened me massively in a way I can only presume being loved, accepted, allowed and respected might have weakened me? Either that, or I needed to find self-love, self acceptance, self allowance and self respect, regardless of any external support or proof. What did sustain, inspire and protect me, I have come to realise and appreciate, was my spiritual life and divine guidance. The form this underlying / overriding sphere of protection and influence takes seems to be highly individual and reaches each of us in ways which our prevailing belief system is willing to receive. So for those of religious persuasion it can manifest as a benevolent superpresence of some sort. Whilst those seeing no proof for the existence of a creator or god might rationalise this as their own highest, limitless selfhood. Right now, given the friction and distraction which arguments about forms, structures, hierarchies and isms have engendered throughout our history I say it is imperative to stop imposing our own received viewpoints upon one another. Just as God must by definition be beyond any possible description, so too we need to hugely expand our definition to embrace the commonalities we can all agree on. And get on with the multitude of tasks presented to us in unison, together with an overarching principle of harmless, harmonious, loving, peaceful intent. We have to trust one another : trust in the genuine elevated qualities of the astounding beings that we truly be 🙂
My Mother chilled me to the marrow when she said: “What this country needs is another war”
Oh my Goodness / Goddess! Where that sprang from was the memory of her childhood where there was community spirit and the “we’re all in this together” solidarity. Nowadays many of us realise that any apparent foe or tyrant which arises “out there”is a call to look within ourselves and deal with the unacknowledged internal tyrants we harbour and hide, both in personal denial and collective blinkeredness. We all know it is wrong for some to starve whilst others feast, even though “its just the way it is”. We all know that sharing, co-operation, and care must triumph over hoarding, competitiveness and selfishness. So lets throw our collective caution to the wind and our collective shoulder to the wheel, and get on with it!!! The very concept of defense is a thinly veiled attack thought, as A Course In Miracles teaches. It is vital to jettison everything that stands for aggression in our lives. We do not need ruling and disciplining, when we are on task, honouring our greatest potential, and following our deepest calling. Education is not about stuffing people’s heads with other people’s versions of reality; but in encouraging the expression of each person’s unique offering, purpose, and vocation. Children are not blank slates! They come fully equipped with awesome awareness which tragically gets thrashed out of them and crushed in our pathetic misguided efforting to shape and control.

Some unaware humans persist in casting us all as predators, in that ‘top of the food chain’ nonsense we must grow beyond, and fast! If humanity was indeed the chief predator of the planet, rather than a strand in the interdependent web of life here, we would have absolute need of the multitude of other species upon which we depend, not less! Think this through : if we were earthworms for example we might survive without other larger animate creatures, and if we were trees we might exist without earthworms, although depth ecology and micro-cosmic realisations tell us this is reductionist rubbish. Just as taking apart and studying the parts of a living being in no way allows for that being to be rebuilt in its living form, from all of its parts, however intricately reshaped. And just as the balance of bacteria within a living body or soil structure is crucial to health and sustainability, so it could be said that humans are in fact the most expendable lifeform on the planet. Indeed it is obvious that everything flourished perfectly well for millennia prior to the uprising of us naked apes, and it is humblingly clear that even arch predators like lions only kill what they need for each day. Apart from domesticated cats which have such time and energy on their hands that they can be seen to enjoy deliberately stalking and killing prey for fun and not food, modern man ‘the hunter’ is the only animal who enjoys killing and elevates it to an “art”. Real sport requires all parties being willing and aware participants, so hunting is not sport. Real carnivores use only their claws, fangs and speed, plus perhaps group co-ordination in order to chase, catch and overpower their biologically appropriate diet. For humans, with our herbivorous alimentary system, soft thin skin and slow reactions, the only way to bring down other creatures is with tools and deception. And dining on death rather than on the lifeforce of plants, which have neither nerves nor brains to feel pain, has reduced humans to an efficiency of cruelty which makes us the scourge of all other beings which tremble before us. Oh how unworthy an aberration of our Garden Guardianship is that 😦

If its not perfect it can’t be the end!


What would you do if you knew you absolutely could not fail? Who would you be?


I know my victory is assured! I am totally confident that vegantopia shall become reality because I have been there, I have it on the highest authority that it is a complete inevitability – it is the way evolution is inexorably going.

Right now polarities continue to stretch strain and pull against one another, for a little while longer only, because they have run their course and the future is not only brighter more glorious and resplendent than the pathetic tousles and terrors thought up by deluded separated unawake nightmarescapes. Horror stories seem to entertain some folk – or rather some folk entertain horror scenarios in their heads, ponder them in their narrow dark hearts, and reinforce them with their selfish greedy little lives through their unworthy actions.

I know that my victory for the animals is assured because it is not just a personal ambition to see all beings everywhere free and fulfilled, it is the essential requirement of the highest aspiration anyone could hold for the ascended evolved progressed state of attainment possible for humanity : peace.

So now that the bindings of fear of failure have been scotched, and the doomsayers prognostications revoked, there automatically opens up a sacred valley, the Shangri La of folk tales, the utopia of idealists. We who have held the vision, nurtured the hope and spread the faith of its potentiality, potency, purposefulness and prescience are coming into our own power now. Flooded with boundless energy which is freely available only to those who have passed beyond possessions and transitioned through distractivity.

The serenity from countless meditations fixes us in the firmament where lesser minds fear only falling into the void. They are falling as we are flying. Their long reign of control is eclipsed AND VANQUISHED NOW!!! Because we believed in the primacy of love as the truth of life. All of creation is a description of the love of the creator. Those who misguidedly clove to split factions, ideologies and organised religious isms in order to exclude others, feel safe and superior are floundering badly now. Only those of us humble enough to revere the life of the smallest most helpless and vulnerable innocent creature shall proceed to the next stage of existence. There can be no other way – the crack is an ever widening gulf, and those who are not on board with the innate respect, guardianship and joy of beholding these suppressed fellow earthlings must stay behind. Us vegans and our hymn sheets are arising like the new bright dawn, and ascending with the angels to sing praises of thanksgiving because our beloved cousins are being delivered from their oppressors! And so it is, so it has to be, as the long dark night bursts its banks and is rendered obsolete inactivated and as dead as all the death it has fed on stoked up and promoted whilst we activists cried out for mercy, clemency, allowance and kindness. Where just a little bit of love would have opened the doors of their hearts, they deliberately nailed them shut with denial and justification. Then shall their words turn to ash on their lips :“Yes but I like the taste of meat!” Then choke on it for eternity cruel heartless people, and do not expect your pleas and cries to be heard, for this is karma comin atcha folks, loud and proud and unstoppable! Its time has come. Either you awaken now, repent your meanness and make amends, or you live with the consequences of your decision not to value the life of another over your own passing pleasure. Choose quickly if you are wavering, because the gates of vegantopia are closing as rapidly as they opened. If you do not know totally in your heart of hearts what is good and right fair and beautiful then you do not belong with those of us who do, simple as that.

Just to be crystal clear here – this is not my personal condemnation, it is the inevitable consequence od continuing to follow old practices and habits – these define who and what you are, what you stand for and the values you uphold. Now that the truth has been patiently and gently shown, if you willfully choose to continue following the old path so be it. My task as awakener is finished, My conscience is clear. I cannot remain a moment longer in the fetid stench of the deathbreath you exhale. It is over. However…………

“I believe everything is working out perfectly, so if it is not perfect it cannot be the end!” God in his infinite mercy and wisdom gives all of us opportunity after opportunity to change our choosing, from death to life, does he not?