If its not perfect it can’t be the end!


What would you do if you knew you absolutely could not fail? Who would you be?


I know my victory is assured! I am totally confident that vegantopia shall become reality because I have been there, I have it on the highest authority that it is a complete inevitability – it is the way evolution is inexorably going.

Right now polarities continue to stretch strain and pull against one another, for a little while longer only, because they have run their course and the future is not only brighter more glorious and resplendent than the pathetic tousles and terrors thought up by deluded separated unawake nightmarescapes. Horror stories seem to entertain some folk – or rather some folk entertain horror scenarios in their heads, ponder them in their narrow dark hearts, and reinforce them with their selfish greedy little lives through their unworthy actions.

I know that my victory for the animals is assured because it is not just a personal ambition to see all beings everywhere free and fulfilled, it is the essential requirement of the highest aspiration anyone could hold for the ascended evolved progressed state of attainment possible for humanity : peace.

So now that the bindings of fear of failure have been scotched, and the doomsayers prognostications revoked, there automatically opens up a sacred valley, the Shangri La of folk tales, the utopia of idealists. We who have held the vision, nurtured the hope and spread the faith of its potentiality, potency, purposefulness and prescience are coming into our own power now. Flooded with boundless energy which is freely available only to those who have passed beyond possessions and transitioned through distractivity.

The serenity from countless meditations fixes us in the firmament where lesser minds fear only falling into the void. They are falling as we are flying. Their long reign of control is eclipsed AND VANQUISHED NOW!!! Because we believed in the primacy of love as the truth of life. All of creation is a description of the love of the creator. Those who misguidedly clove to split factions, ideologies and organised religious isms in order to exclude others, feel safe and superior are floundering badly now. Only those of us humble enough to revere the life of the smallest most helpless and vulnerable innocent creature shall proceed to the next stage of existence. There can be no other way – the crack is an ever widening gulf, and those who are not on board with the innate respect, guardianship and joy of beholding these suppressed fellow earthlings must stay behind. Us vegans and our hymn sheets are arising like the new bright dawn, and ascending with the angels to sing praises of thanksgiving because our beloved cousins are being delivered from their oppressors! And so it is, so it has to be, as the long dark night bursts its banks and is rendered obsolete inactivated and as dead as all the death it has fed on stoked up and promoted whilst we activists cried out for mercy, clemency, allowance and kindness. Where just a little bit of love would have opened the doors of their hearts, they deliberately nailed them shut with denial and justification. Then shall their words turn to ash on their lips :“Yes but I like the taste of meat!” Then choke on it for eternity cruel heartless people, and do not expect your pleas and cries to be heard, for this is karma comin atcha folks, loud and proud and unstoppable! Its time has come. Either you awaken now, repent your meanness and make amends, or you live with the consequences of your decision not to value the life of another over your own passing pleasure. Choose quickly if you are wavering, because the gates of vegantopia are closing as rapidly as they opened. If you do not know totally in your heart of hearts what is good and right fair and beautiful then you do not belong with those of us who do, simple as that.

Just to be crystal clear here – this is not my personal condemnation, it is the inevitable consequence od continuing to follow old practices and habits – these define who and what you are, what you stand for and the values you uphold. Now that the truth has been patiently and gently shown, if you willfully choose to continue following the old path so be it. My task as awakener is finished, My conscience is clear. I cannot remain a moment longer in the fetid stench of the deathbreath you exhale. It is over. However…………

“I believe everything is working out perfectly, so if it is not perfect it cannot be the end!” God in his infinite mercy and wisdom gives all of us opportunity after opportunity to change our choosing, from death to life, does he not? 

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